Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Love, Pain and The Persuit of Happiness......

Wow its a trip how when your open for truth it'll come in all shapes, forms, sizes...through people, tv, sermons, kids and one of my current favorites SOCIAL networking.

I wont get to far in detail about my last situation because I still respect what he and I had and I also find it unneccessary to divuldge anything that doesnt need to be told.
I will say this I learned alot ...i mean i lot about Love, pain, loyalty, truth, dedication, patience
Understanding men...and their feelings, ways of thinking etc.. I still have alot of learning to do.
That brings me to this...
this evening I posted a question about persuit...being persued and persuing and I wanted some thoughts from
I recieved a few thoughts but then one comment just hit me hard and actually inspired this peice. AND guess
what it wasnt from a man it was from a woman and heres what she said:

"I see a lot of women get stuck in their ways and it turns men off. It's one thing to be independent it's quite another to make a man feel like they are not important or needed. Be good to your men and your men in turn move mountains for you. If he doesn't then he is not into you ;) "
This here struck a nerve....and not in a bad way. I feel like sometimes when we are hurt...or maybe we just put guards up not to be hurt. We may send out the wrong signal to the one we love or even just those who are persuing us. Pain causes our actions to misunderstood....and yes sometimes we can get stuck in our ways. But what I took from this comment is men do want and even need to feel needed and important and we as women have to remember that.
This is what I love about the journey of life and growing is that when your open to recieve and your "ego blinders" are off you will get just what you need to move on to the next stages in life.

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