Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just when I thought....

.....Just when I thought I had it bad......
I looked up and realized i had a roof over my head and i was eatin a meal of choice.
.....Just when I thought I was lonely....
my daughter looked over at me and said "mommy do you want me to make up the bed for you"
.....Just when I thought I couldnt move on from him.....
I already did long ago when i would not stand for being treated outside of my worth.
.....Just when I thought anger would consume me....
I keep finding joy through my dreams, my desires and my strength.
.....Just when I thought God has lost faith in me......
he shows me hasnt and never will.
....Just when I thought people just take take and take from me...
I realized that its really okay i inspire and have lots more where that came from.

....AND Just when I thought I have tons of responsibilty and alot on my plate....
I thought about our President Obama......and it motivates keep going and never give up.

.....-written by LaLa Yone- 1-2-2011-

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