Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011......

Well here I am once again writing about my life......A wonderful way to express things with no rules or restrictions.......2 years ago I started this blog and I use to write about everything I even used display my poetry....

So now im back....and ive erased all of the old writings and im starting fresh.

Last night I brought in the New Year with my daughter.....I kissed her forehead as the countdown began. Love..true love. The right way for me to bring it in. A mother. I fell asleep....and woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about the things that bothered me in my "last situation".....I was pissed that i was awaken to those thoughts....but then i realized they werent goin to ho anywere untill i truly let them go.

                                           .....letting go...........

And now as im sitting here I realize that all that ive been through shall not be in vain.....and becoming a prisoner of emotions is no longer an option. Forgive and let live.

I want to share this poem that I wrote about 2 years ago about my life.

"My Shadow"

Five and half years ago I took a walk

I simply had know idea where I was going

but I knew I had to go.

I mean I wasnt prepared for what was to come....

I tried to eat right, think right, do right

just simply be right before I was to step out onto the


My eyes stayed a lil weak from lack of sleep from thoughts

of this walk

but again

there was no turning back

The day came

my stomach tightenend and my heart fluttered as I

went on to take my first steps

where i could only survive by natural instinct

I wouldnt have guessed this walk would have took hours upon hours

and i was so focused on completing the journeyI never once thought looking down would change my life forever...

and then i heard a voice say


I mean I was sweating, tired, out of breath

holding on for dear life and then i heard the voice say again


and so I got myself up enough

strength to look down

and there it was

in full form

.........My Shadow

it was me, blackness......formed

and out poured light

.........My Shadow

which was with me this whole time

on my walk

felt what i felt

cause it was

.........My Shadow

The complete outline of what I put in


and what I will continue to put in


You see im never alone

even when I think so

Even when there is no light to make it

apparent my shadows there

My Shadow will still walk the earth

even when I cease to be

I call My Shadow KALIAA

cause she was once in me.

(I wrote this poem last night and was inspired to write it as i was watching my daughter Kaliaa sleep.

-I gave natural birth to my daughter 5 and half years ago, I was in labor with my daughter for 24 hours and after i delivered her i had some life threatning things happen, I am still here though and so is she. She is definantely my blessing and I am hers.)

Copywright 2008 Lala's Poetry

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