On Entrepreneurship:
" We keep going back, stronger, not weaker,
because we will not allow rejection to beat us down.
It will only strengthen our resolve.
To be successful there is no other way. " - Earl Graves-
-LaLa Yone-
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
...did you miss me....lol....
Well.....if you didnt thats quite alright....Ive been super busy....
I missed writing of course...
So heres whats new over here in LaLa Land.... I made a New Logo for my event photography.....I must say Im happy with the results -->>>
I vowed to myself i will put %150 effort into everything I do......and thats with EVERYTHING.....
As far as my Socialite Life....its truly been a trip and a half.....
Its funny how people assume things about you when your a "Socialite".....well all that YOU think you know...im pretty sure your wrong ...but hey it is what it is....
Im pretty excited about this weekend......My clothing will be featured in a fashion show...I have some new designs I havnt revealed yet *last time i revealed them ahead of schedule another designer was "inspired" and copied them* Soooo ima wait until they are on a runway to officially launch. And also this Sunday i'll be supporting a event called "Pretty Girls Rock"....I will be donating a basket for the cause!!! The basket will include a Lala Yone Gift Certificate for a photoshoot, EYE Wear and some other lil knick knacks :))))
BTW BOYS are allowed!!! :))))
.....and last but not least I went back lonnnngggg.....I have me a 14 inch weave in ....hahahahah...my head has been so warm the last few days :)))) and im lovin it!
*PS* Im 2 weeks in ..NO MEAT.... its official! and im feeling great :)
I missed writing of course...
So heres whats new over here in LaLa Land.... I made a New Logo for my event photography.....I must say Im happy with the results -->>>
I vowed to myself i will put %150 effort into everything I do......and thats with EVERYTHING.....
As far as my Socialite Life....its truly been a trip and a half.....
Its funny how people assume things about you when your a "Socialite".....well all that YOU think you know...im pretty sure your wrong ...but hey it is what it is....
Im pretty excited about this weekend......My clothing will be featured in a fashion show...I have some new designs I havnt revealed yet *last time i revealed them ahead of schedule another designer was "inspired" and copied them* Soooo ima wait until they are on a runway to officially launch. And also this Sunday i'll be supporting a event called "Pretty Girls Rock"....I will be donating a basket for the cause!!! The basket will include a Lala Yone Gift Certificate for a photoshoot, EYE Wear and some other lil knick knacks :))))
BTW BOYS are allowed!!! :))))
.....and last but not least I went back lonnnngggg.....I have me a 14 inch weave in ....hahahahah...my head has been so warm the last few days :)))) and im lovin it!
*PS* Im 2 weeks in ..NO MEAT.... its official! and im feeling great :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
...Just what I needed...
Romans 6:6-7, 14 –
“We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin…. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.”
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Goals, Desires, Sweets topped of with some simple truth.....
I've been flooded with ideas, upon ideas of designs for my line. Im so happy that my mind is so open right now. Im letting it all flow in naturally. I will be making a name for myself this year and thats for sure.
- E.Y.E Wear -
Okay so along with that Ive been put on to do 3 up and coming fashion shows. Branding is really important to me. Once I brand brand brand the name....I will move forward with creating some fashion peices .
Sooooooooooo. As some of you may know. I LOVE icecream. I went off of meat here recently and im
feeling real good about that decision. But icecream will always be my treat of choice and a cinnabon on the
side wouldnt be half bad either ;)
So realtionships, intimacy, dating have been a heavy topic lately. But im just sitten back and re-evaluting my decisions and choices. Im learning alot about people and even more about me.......
Team Me for Now. Planning things according to my goals, dreams and desires and definately puttin 150 percent in this year. I hope everyone will stay tuned :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Every lil bit counts..........
Feeling good this morning. I walked my minnie to school. It was cold but it was beautiful at the same time. Everybody that knows me knows how much I love nature.....I love the earth.....I love watching animals interact and love taking pictures of water, birds etc....
So this morning when I was walking back home I started to think about how I never liter.....i mean it is a peve of mind when friends and family liter. Now dont get me wrong im no perfectionist Its hard for me to recycle and go-green every given chance BUT i will not liter. And so I just wanted to put a thought on your minds today about that. We all have things going on and that just seems so small to those things.
However if you just take the time to look around and appreciate the beauty around you may think twice about throwin you jack n the box out the window after the club!
So heres a few helpful tips on how to prevent yourself from litering:
- First go to google images and look at nature photos..i sware itll make you appreciate your surroundings.
- Keep a plastic bag in your car for garbage thatll prevent you just thrownin it anywhere
- Keep your wrapper from gum, so you can reuse it to put your old gum in.
Every lil bit counts. :)
-LaLa Yone-
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Love, Pain and The Persuit of Happiness......
Wow its a trip how when your open for truth it'll come in all shapes, forms, sizes...through people, tv, sermons, kids and one of my current favorites SOCIAL networking.
I wont get to far in detail about my last situation because I still respect what he and I had and I also find it unneccessary to divuldge anything that doesnt need to be told.
I will say this I learned alot ...i mean i lot about Love, pain, loyalty, truth, dedication, patience
Understanding men...and their feelings, ways of thinking etc.. I still have alot of learning to do.
That brings me to this...
this evening I posted a question about persuit...being persued and persuing and I wanted some thoughts from
I recieved a few thoughts but then one comment just hit me hard and actually inspired this peice. AND guess
what it wasnt from a man it was from a woman and heres what she said:
"I see a lot of women get stuck in their ways and it turns men off. It's one thing to be independent it's quite another to make a man feel like they are not important or needed. Be good to your men and your men in turn move mountains for you. If he doesn't then he is not into you ;) "
This here struck a nerve....and not in a bad way. I feel like sometimes when we are hurt...or maybe we just put guards up not to be hurt. We may send out the wrong signal to the one we love or even just those who are persuing us. Pain causes our actions to misunderstood....and yes sometimes we can get stuck in our ways. But what I took from this comment is men do want and even need to feel needed and important and we as women have to remember that.
This is what I love about the journey of life and growing is that when your open to recieve and your "ego blinders" are off you will get just what you need to move on to the next stages in life.
.....So how's your love life.....?.....

So my girl called me today to check up on me.................................
You know with girl chat we can cover it all from politics to whats the nail polish of the season.
I love catching up...well...ummmm.... up to the part were love is part of the conversation.......lol
..."So how's your love life?" *blank stare*
My reply- "Weellllll ummmm....it is what it is".....not to much of an answer right...yeah i know .lol
For a woman it just seems like we have a time clock ticking in the background when it comes to getting that man and having that relationship.
She goes on to tell me she thinks its my time now.....well HOT DIGGITY DAMN I hope soooo....lmao....
She even tells me "claim it" and it shall be! Well Im finna be a claiming it so and so......
..........Umm so yeah "Mr. New Year" Im stakin claim on you...whomever you are.....im workin on myself and i should be ready when you arrive....and if im not when you get here...just help me along the growth journey okay. -Thanks In Advance-
But for now im going to enjoy my winter green nail polish, watch some pheneas and ferb with my minnie and hop on twitter for a bit *smooches*
Monday, January 3, 2011
Simply sexy.....classy.....intelligent.....leading......composing.....its new and fresh.
A good read.
Simply sexy.....classy.....intelligent.....leading......composing.....its new and fresh.
A good read.
blurred vision.....
...hey ......yeah you......ive been tryna teach you a lesson but you refuse to
you ready now hunh?....yeah i bet you are.
Okay yall. I thought i wanted a certain sumthin
i thought i wanted it in a certain way
i just really wanted
somehow. But.........
yes you guessed it.....
i dont now.
They say.....
the grass isnt always greener on the other side.
My wants blurred this vision of mine to think so.
Its better late than never to learn right?....
well hey
i learned. :)
-LaLa Yone-
you ready now hunh?....yeah i bet you are.
Okay yall. I thought i wanted a certain sumthin
i thought i wanted it in a certain way
i just really wanted
somehow. But.........
yes you guessed it.....
i dont now.
They say.....
the grass isnt always greener on the other side.
My wants blurred this vision of mine to think so.
Its better late than never to learn right?....
well hey
i learned. :)
-LaLa Yone-
Sunday, January 2, 2011
.......a lil here..a lil there...
...a lil gloss...
a snip here, a clip there.....
a spritz on.......and over there.
heels raised pretending i have heels on.
looking over my shoulder pretending the mirror is my audience.
wait wait just a lil more gloss......ok.
the things that will make a woman feel a lil bit better *smiles*
a snip here, a clip there.....
a spritz on.......and over there.
heels raised pretending i have heels on.
looking over my shoulder pretending the mirror is my audience.
wait wait just a lil more gloss......ok.
the things that will make a woman feel a lil bit better *smiles*
Just when I thought....
.....Just when I thought I had it bad......
I looked up and realized i had a roof over my head and i was eatin a meal of choice.
.....Just when I thought I was lonely....
my daughter looked over at me and said "mommy do you want me to make up the bed for you"
.....Just when I thought I couldnt move on from him.....
I already did long ago when i would not stand for being treated outside of my worth.
.....Just when I thought anger would consume me....
I keep finding joy through my dreams, my desires and my strength.
.....Just when I thought God has lost faith in me......
he shows me hasnt and never will.
....Just when I thought people just take take and take from me...
I realized that its really okay i inspire and have lots more where that came from.
....AND Just when I thought I have tons of responsibilty and alot on my plate....
I thought about our President Obama......and it motivates me...to keep going and never give up.
.....-written by LaLa Yone- 1-2-2011-
I looked up and realized i had a roof over my head and i was eatin a meal of choice.
.....Just when I thought I was lonely....
my daughter looked over at me and said "mommy do you want me to make up the bed for you"
.....Just when I thought I couldnt move on from him.....
I already did long ago when i would not stand for being treated outside of my worth.
.....Just when I thought anger would consume me....
I keep finding joy through my dreams, my desires and my strength.
.....Just when I thought God has lost faith in me......
he shows me hasnt and never will.
....Just when I thought people just take take and take from me...
I realized that its really okay i inspire and have lots more where that came from.
....AND Just when I thought I have tons of responsibilty and alot on my plate....
I thought about our President Obama......and it motivates me...to keep going and never give up.
.....-written by LaLa Yone- 1-2-2011-
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Hello 2011......
Well here I am once again writing about my life......A wonderful way to express things with no rules or restrictions.......2 years ago I started this blog and I use to write about everything I even used display my poetry....
So now im back....and ive erased all of the old writings and im starting fresh.
Last night I brought in the New Year with my daughter.....I kissed her forehead as the countdown began. Love..true love. The right way for me to bring it in. A mother. I fell asleep....and woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about the things that bothered me in my "last situation".....I was pissed that i was awaken to those thoughts....but then i realized they werent goin to ho anywere untill i truly let them go.
.....letting go...........
And now as im sitting here I realize that all that ive been through shall not be in vain.....and becoming a prisoner of emotions is no longer an option. Forgive and let live.
I want to share this poem that I wrote about 2 years ago about my daughter....my miracle....my life.
"My Shadow"
Five and half years ago I took a walk
I simply had know idea where I was going
but I knew I had to go.
I mean I wasnt prepared for what was to come....
I tried to eat right, think right, do right
just simply be right before I was to step out onto the
My eyes stayed a lil weak from lack of sleep from thoughts
of this walk
but again
there was no turning back
The day came
my stomach tightenend and my heart fluttered as I
went on to take my first steps
where i could only survive by natural instinct
I wouldnt have guessed this walk would have took hours upon hours
and i was so focused on completing the journeyI never once thought looking down would change my life forever...
and then i heard a voice say
I mean I was sweating, tired, out of breath
holding on for dear life and then i heard the voice say again
and so I got myself up enough
strength to look down
and there it was
in full form
.........My Shadow
it was me, blackness......formed
and out poured light
.........My Shadow
which was with me this whole time
on my walk
felt what i felt
cause it was
.........My Shadow
The complete outline of what I put in
and what I will continue to put in
You see im never alone
even when I think so
Even when there is no light to make it
apparent my shadows there
My Shadow will still walk the earth
even when I cease to be
I call My Shadow KALIAA
cause she was once in me.
(I wrote this poem last night and was inspired to write it as i was watching my daughter Kaliaa sleep.
-I gave natural birth to my daughter 5 and half years ago, I was in labor with my daughter for 24 hours and after i delivered her i had some life threatning things happen, I am still here though and so is she. She is definantely my blessing and I am hers.)
Copywright 2008 Lala's Poetry
So now im back....and ive erased all of the old writings and im starting fresh.
Last night I brought in the New Year with my daughter.....I kissed her forehead as the countdown began. Love..true love. The right way for me to bring it in. A mother. I fell asleep....and woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about the things that bothered me in my "last situation".....I was pissed that i was awaken to those thoughts....but then i realized they werent goin to ho anywere untill i truly let them go.
.....letting go...........
And now as im sitting here I realize that all that ive been through shall not be in vain.....and becoming a prisoner of emotions is no longer an option. Forgive and let live.
I want to share this poem that I wrote about 2 years ago about my daughter....my miracle....my life.
"My Shadow"
Five and half years ago I took a walk
I simply had know idea where I was going
but I knew I had to go.
I mean I wasnt prepared for what was to come....
I tried to eat right, think right, do right
just simply be right before I was to step out onto the
My eyes stayed a lil weak from lack of sleep from thoughts
of this walk
but again
there was no turning back
The day came
my stomach tightenend and my heart fluttered as I
went on to take my first steps
where i could only survive by natural instinct
I wouldnt have guessed this walk would have took hours upon hours
and i was so focused on completing the journeyI never once thought looking down would change my life forever...
and then i heard a voice say
I mean I was sweating, tired, out of breath
holding on for dear life and then i heard the voice say again
and so I got myself up enough
strength to look down
and there it was
in full form
.........My Shadow
it was me, blackness......formed
and out poured light
.........My Shadow
which was with me this whole time
on my walk
felt what i felt
cause it was
.........My Shadow
The complete outline of what I put in
and what I will continue to put in
You see im never alone
even when I think so
Even when there is no light to make it
apparent my shadows there
My Shadow will still walk the earth
even when I cease to be
I call My Shadow KALIAA
cause she was once in me.
(I wrote this poem last night and was inspired to write it as i was watching my daughter Kaliaa sleep.
-I gave natural birth to my daughter 5 and half years ago, I was in labor with my daughter for 24 hours and after i delivered her i had some life threatning things happen, I am still here though and so is she. She is definantely my blessing and I am hers.)
Copywright 2008 Lala's Poetry
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